Libre-Halaal Internet Application Services
1 The Need for Defining Libre-Halaal Services
We are Software Engineers and this is in the context of our professional responsibilities.
Software and Internet Services have become an integral and critical component of societal functioning, and the consequences for humanity are enormous. Of fundamental importance in this regard is what we will call the manner-of-existence of software.
Our profession, the Software Engineering profession, has a responsibility to society and to humanity. In order to fulfill that responsibility, our profession needs and requires that the global manner-of-existence of software meet certain requirements.
You should care about this because without Libre-Halaal Software, the current directions of software and internet will continue.
Without respect for Libre-Halaal software, privacy, autonomy and freedoms of the individual will continue to be crushed, personal information will continue to become a currency and domination of corporations and corpocracy will further grow.
2 Definition Of Libre-Halaal Software
The definition of Libre-Halaal Internet Application Services is layered on the definition of Libre-Halaal Software.
Definition of Libre-Halaal Software is provided in
Here we provide a summary.
2.1 Manner-Of-Existence Of Software
By “manner-of-existence” of software we mean everything relating to how the software exists within society. This includes but is not limited to:
- Are There any restrictions for possessing the software by anyone who wishes to possess it? Is copying the software restricted?
- Is use of the software restricted?
- Is the software internally transparent?
- Is the software modifiable and enhanceable?
Manner-of-existence of software impacts societal and social structures and autonomy and privacy of the individual.
2.2 Halaal Manner of Existence of Software – Definition Of Libre-Halaal Software
The following criteria are required for halaal manner-of-existence of software, and so to allow the Software Engineering profession to fulfill its responsibility to society and humanity:
We use the label Libre-Halaal Software to convey Halaal Manner of Existence of Software.
Software is Libre-Halaal Software if it has all of the following attributes:
- Halaal Criterion 1 – Unrestricted Multi-Possessibility. There are no restrictions is possessing the software by anyone who wishes to possess it – There are no restrictions in copying and redistributing copies.
- Halaal Criterion 2 – Unrestricted Usage. There are no restrictions for using (running) the software.
- Halaal Criterion 3 – Internal Transparency. The source code of the software is available to all software engineers to examine the software and study how it works. Unless software is internal transparent, the software can not be trusted.
- Halaal Criterion 4 – Modifiability. Software engineers must be able to modify the software, re-install the modified version and use the modified version without restrictions. The available source code of the software permits software engineers to change and enhancement it.
- Halaal Criterion 5 – Proper Authorship Attribution. The authorship of the software is not misrepresented.
Additionally, the software engineering profession requires from software engineers that the perpetuality of all of the above be applied to all public modifcations of the software. In other words, any modification or enhancement that is generally offered as software or service forever shall also have all of the above attributes.
In a document titled:
Libre-Halaal Software
Defining Halaal Manner-Of-Existence Of Software — []
We provide a complete definition of Libre-Halaal Software.
3 Transformation of Software into Services
The widespread usage of the Internet has caused a major shift in the model for software usage. It is now common for software to take the form and be accessed in the form of Internet Services.
Internet services are in essence access to remote execution of software. Fundamental Difference between software and service is possessibility. Possession is personal and increases autonomy. Lack of possession decreases autonomy. Hence, software by nature is less of a threat than internet services are to autonomy.
Hence Libre-Halaal Services need to build on Libre-Halaal Software.
4 Manner-Of-Existence Of Internet Application Services
By “manner-of-existence” of Internet Application Service we mean everything relating to how the Internet Application Service exists within society. This includes but is not limited to:
- Is the Internet Application Services portable along with its Data?
- Is the Internet Application Services internally transparent?
- Is the Internet Application Services modifiable and enhanceable?
Manner-of-existence of Internet Application Services impacts societal and social structures and autonomy and privacy of the individual.
5 Halaal Manner of Existence of Services – Definition Of Libre-Halaal Services
The following criteria are required for halaal manner-of-existence of internet application services, and so to allow the Software Engineering profession to fulfill its responsibility to society and humanity:
We use the label Libre-Halaal Internet Application Services to convey Halaal Manner of Existence of Internet Application Services.
An Internet Application Service is A Libre-Halaal Internet Application Service if it has all of the following attributes:
- Halaal Criterion 1. Every software component included in the service must be Halaal software.
- Halaal Criterion 2. The software for the entire service must be Halaal software. The entire primary source code for the entire service must be available to all software engineers, so that the entire service can be reproduced.
- Halaal Criterion 3. All protocols used by the service must be transparent and unrestricted.
In the document titled:
Libre-Halaal Services:
Defining Halaal Manner-Of-Existence Of Internet Application Services
A non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services — []
We introduce the concept of “Libre-Halaal Services” and describe the model for guaranteeing internal transparency of Internet application services in a collaborative environment.
Libre-Halaal Services are an extension of the principles of Libre-Halaal software into the Internet services domain. They are Internet services that can be freely copied and reused by anyone. The Libre Services model exists in relation to the proprietary Internet services model of Apple, MSN, Yahoo and Google, in an analogous way to how GNU/Linux exists in relation to Microsoft Windows.
We then build on the concept of Libre-Halaal Services and introduce the concepts of Autonomous Libre-Halaal Services and Federations of Autonomous Libre-Halaal Services.
6 Definition Of Libre-Halaal Autonomous Services
Internet services come in all shapes and sizes, serve all manner of purposes, and interact with each other and with societal entities in all manner of complex ways.
In some cases a service may be associated exclusively with a particular societal entity, such as an individual, an organization, or a corporation. Such entities enjoy a high degree of autonomy within society, and so we refer to these as autonomous entities. When a service is associated uniquely with particular autonomous entity, we refer to the entity as the owner of the service.
When a service is associated with a unique owner, certain characteristics of the service are of particular concern to the owner. The service may include information of a personal or private nature, and the owner may wish to ensure that his/her/its privacy is protected. It is also important that the service reflect and maintain the autonomy of the owner, providing parallel freedom of action to that which the owning entity enjoys at large.
Certainly, the privacy and autonomy of the owner are fully guaranteed if the owner exercises direct control over the functioning and provision of the service. In practice, an owner may or may not choose to exercise such direct control of the service. In many cases the owner of the service will leave the service provisioning in the hands of a second-party service provider. Nevertheless it is sufficient to guarantee the autonomy of the owner if the nature of the service is such that the owner could in principle take control of the service himself.
We define a Libre-Halaal Autonomous Service as an Internet service associated with a unique owner, that the owner could in principle and at his option take control over and provide for himself.
As noted, in many or most cases the service will be provided by a second-party service provider, who runs and administers the service on behalf of the owner. The autonomy of the owner requires that he is in no way tied to this or any other service provider. The general societal autonomy of the owner means that for any other type of service—banking, legal, medical—the owner is free to move from one provider to another, leaving no trace of himself behind with the previous provider.
In the case of Internet services, similar principles apply. For a service to be an autonomous halaal service, it must satisfy the twin requirements of portability, and non-retention. Portability, meaning the owner can transport the entire service to a different service provider. And non-retention, meaning the previous provider must retain no trace of the owner’s information.
Specifically, when a second-party provider is providing the service on behalf of the owner, the service is an autonomous halaal service if the provider meets the following requirements:
- Service and Data Portability. At the instruction of the service owner, the entire service can be transfered to a different service provider. This could be another second-party provider, or the service owner himself.
- Service and Data Non-Retention. At the instruction of the service owner, the service provider must destroy all service-related information (i.e. all owner data and log files).
7 The Libre-Halaal Label
The Libre-Halaal label communicates a particular concept which is built on the concept of “Halaal” and the concept of “Libre”.
7.1 The Concept Of Halaal
Our focus as engineers is to build the right thing.
The sensitive and potent word “Halaal” is introduced into Globish in the document titled:
Introducing Halaal and Haraam into Globish
Based on Moral Philosophy of Abstract Halaal — []
In that document we precisely define what we mean by “Halaal” and “Haraam” and the explicit context and scope of the “Libre-Halaal” label. We use the word Halaal carefully and consistently to emphasize that our work is anchored in morality.
Briefly, philosophical halaal is “manifestation” of “moral sensibilities” relevant to a specific topic where “the set of actions” map to “right.” And, philosophical haraam is “manifestation” of “moral sensibilities” relevant to a specific topic where “the set of actions” map to “wrong.”
7.2 The Concept Of Libre
In English, the adjective “Free” is ambiguous. It could mean “gratis” or “freedom” (libre). In most contexts ‘gratis” is more dominant.
We describe our use of the word libre in the document titled:
Introducing Libre into Globish — []
In this context, Libre communicates the belief that the Western so-called Intellectual Property Rights regime of Patents and Copyright are an obstacle to progress of the engineering profession and are detrimental to society.
In a document titled:
The Nature of Poly-Existentials:
Basis for Abolishment of The Western Intellectual Property Rights Regime — []
We analyze and discredit the Western Intellectual Property Rights regime based on the inherent nature of what it seeks to control and restrict – poly-existentials: all that can be learned and remembered and all that is digital.
Poly-Existentials are poly-possessable. Assignment of restrictive ownership to what is poly-possessable is in conflict with nature.
The Western Intellectual Property ownership regime is in conflict with nature, it does not serve the ideal intended purpose of societal regulations, i.e. to balance rights equitably among conflicting constituencies. On the contrary, it has the effect of enriching a minority of powerful vested interests, to the very great detriment of society at large. The detrimental effects include the obstruction of engineering creativity, a distortion of the competitive business environment, and denial of the benefits thereof to the public.
Many societies fully reject the basic concept of patents and copyright. Yet, the Western Intellectual Property ownership regime is portrayed by Westerners as universal and global. Since poly-existence and digital entities are inherently not restricted by borders, the nature of global Internet demands rejection of the Western Intellectual Property ownership regime.
7.3 The Concept Of Libre-Halaal
In the “Libre-Halaal” label, Libre indicates that:
- The scope of consideration of Halaal is manner-of-existence of poly-existentials.
- We reject the Western IPR regime. That the natural right to copy and the natural right to apply knowledge are the basis of our ideology.
Halaal indicates that:
- We are rooted in philosophy and morality — Not just economics.
- For each form of poly-existential, the manner-of-existence that permit Professions to safeguard society and humanity are the Halaal manner-of-existence for that poly-existential.
And the concept of Libre-Halaal conveys the union of these.
8 Halaal Functionality and Halaal Usage Of Internet Application Services
There are three dimensions of internet application services relevant to being considered Halaal or Haraam:
- Internet Application Service manner-of-existence
- Internet Application Service capabilities (functionality)
- Internet Application Service usage
SInternet Application Service capabilities and usage are not within scope and are not the topic of this definition. By Internet Application Service capabilities, we mean what the Internet Application Service is built to accomplish, for good or ill. Examples of Internet Application Service built for ill might be spying, tracking, invasion of privacy. By Internet Application Service usage, we mean how the software is used, regardless of its intended purpose. Consideration of what constitutes Halaal Internet Application Service based on capabilities and usage is primarily the domain of ethicists.
The topic of this definition is software manner-of-existence. What makes for Halaal or Haraam Internet Application Service manner-of-existence directly affects and involves the software engineering profession.
9 Legitimacy Of This Definition Of Libre-Halaal Services
The drivers for this Definition Of Libre-Halaal Services are:
- Health Of Society and Humanity
- Preservation of The Individual’s Autonomy and Privacy
- Harmony with nature of poly-existentials, digital constructs and software
- Rejection of the Western Intelectual Property Rights regime
- Role and responsibilities of the Software Engineering profession
This Definition Of Libre-Halaal Services is in the context of an agreement between Society/Humanity and Software Engineering profession.
So, legitimacy of this definition of Libre-Halaal Services are legitimacy of these values, this model and logic.
Consistent with this ideology, we have created a digital ecosystem called:
The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem
A Unified and Non-Proprietary Model For Autonomous Internet Services
A Moral Alternative To The Proprietary American Digital Ecosystem — []
With ByStar, we are creating a complete parallel digital ecosystem to compete with and stand against the existing Proprietary American Digital Ecosystem. Above all, ByStar is about preservation of the individual’s autonomy and privacy.
The Libre-Halaal Service definition is being adhered to within the Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem.
There we promote development and usage of halaal «حلال» manner-of-existence of software and halaal manner-of-existence of internet application services. We want to discourage development and usage of Proprietary-Haraam Software and Haraam Internet Application Services. We do this based on an ethical belief system that recognizes responsibility of the engineering profession to society, which in turn demands the Halaal manner-of-existence of Software.
10 Software And Services In The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem
All software in The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem is and shall continue to be Libre-Halaal Software.
In the Western IPR regime, this is accomplished by subjecting ByStar software to the most restrictive applicable General Public License.
Outside of the Western IPR regime, when the society demands Libre-Halaal Software, the software engineering profession is responsible for self imposing Criterion 3, 4 and 5 perpetually.
11 A Project of The Free Protocols Foundation (FPF)
The Free Protocols Foundation (FPF) is a global independent public forum, dedicated to the support of the internet engineering profession towards our profession’s responsibility to society and humanity.
FPF supports activities related to Libre-Halaal Software and Libre-Halaal Services.
If you want to particpate and support Libre-Halaal Software activites consider joining us. The initial contact URL is:
12 Thoughts And Feedback Request
We can benefit from your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts. You can send us your comments, criticisms and corrections via the URL, or by email to feedback@ our base domain, which is
We thank you for your assistance.